Kamis, 12 November 2015


~ The person you really love most is that most people know to hurt you
~ At some point in time, you have to realize that some people can stay i your heart, but not in your life
~ Believed, disappointed it was upheld
~ Dont expect your friend to be a perfect person, but help your friend to become a perfect person. Thats true friendship
~ Holding a grudge is letting, someone live rent-free in your head
~ The dwarf sink in the pit like me will never reach the star in the sky like you
~ Purpose without planning just will be a hope
~ You'll never know till you have tried
~ Don't be totally worried about everything that's going around you. It's My (God) job
~ Pray change impossible to possible
~ God heals the broken, He loves when we cry out to him
~ Happy people is not a great man in every way, but one that can find simple things in life and give thanks diligent
~ Life is like a piano, white and black. If God play it, all will be a beautiful melody
~ Real power doesn't hit hard, but right to the target
~ Do not judge a person from what he is doing, because you also have to know the reason why he is did it
~ You do not live at once. Yoh only die once and live everyday
~ Do not blame your past, because the past will never change
~ Be the good, because God like goodness
~ The more we are grateful, the more happiness we get 
~ If you judge people, you have no time to love them
~ Courage is not the absence of fear. Brave man is not a man who no feel afraid, but he who succeeded in the face of fear
~ The main purpose of the life was to help others. If you can do not help them, at least do not hurt them
~ God has not called me to be successful. He called me to be faithful
~ Every person is not necessarily good, but always there is good in everyone. Do not be too quick to judge someone, because every saint must have had a past, and every sinner still has a future
~ The person who feel perfect is the people who never admitted his guilt
~ I being friends with you is like being given a precious treasure

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